IMPACT’s Payer-V1C Contracting Toolkit consists of action-oriented resources to support alignment between virtual first care’s novel approach and payers systems and processes. The goal of the Toolkit is to facilitate contracting and ultimately drive more effective adoption of V1C.

The Guide to Payer-V1C Contracting is the primary resource for innovators, leaders, and decision makers in V1C companies, and payers who are considering including V1C solutions in their offering to effectively structure their agreements.

Guide to Payer-V1C Contracting

The Guide to Payer-V1C Contracting includes the routine sections that are reflected in the body and exhibits of a contract with detail on unique considerations for V1C in each section. This guide supports practices that are ideal, acceptable and those that have been tried and have not worked.


The Guide meant to support fruitful discussions that allow contracting parties to navigate to optimal solutions that support smooth operations and align incentives.

Guide to V1C Payment Models

This resource tailors payment models for care to V1C, aligning to the first principle that V1C solutions are HCPs. The Guide highlights the unique ways the components of V1C, especially software, are enabling flexibility, data and transparency in pricing models across the board.

Ready to start getting paid? Use the Payment & Coding Toolkit to find your codes and get paid. 

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